Wednesday, August 26, 2009

what is it that makes people so hard to talk to each other?

What is it that makes you and me so hard to talk to each other?
Why is it that when I open my mouth to say something, it doesn't come out the way I want to be?
Why is it,then, when you don't talk to me I feel angry but when you do talk, the things you said are the things best left unsaid?

After weeks and weeks of contemplating on how to tackle down this million dollar question, I can only come up with a few reasons, on WHY it's hard to communicate.

It could be due to the fear of letting your thoughts be known to others. The fear of being judged, the fear of the words itself that might slip from our lips (intentionally or unintentionally), and once the words come out, fearing upon the effect and impact they inflict on the person (or even ourselves). Think freedom of expression. We have the right to express and yet, how many of us are brave enough to fully express ourselves? By expressing ourselves, we make ourself vulnerable. Words can expose a man's soul. Although actions speaks louder than words, but words will be the sole instrument to justify the actions of a man. So, the problem lies perhaps, on our fear of being judged through the words.

Say what you need to say.

Words,words,words words. Nothing but mere words. Yet these alphabets that form a string of word is our previllage that is bestowed upon us. With words we can form an unspeakable bond with another human beings. With words we can make a change, with words our power to do something and take action can be strengthened. Hence, we need to speak UP. Because through words we change something in the air, in the situation at a certain moment. Words change mood, actions, attitude, thoughts and basically anything and everything. But we have so many words, each so different from the other. One same word from a person spoken by another could bring different effects,another meaning,catalysing different feelings, moods and opinions. This is what we call COMMUNICATING with one another.
And THAT, is what makes it so difficult for people to talk to each other. Because talking (voicing out mere words) is entirely different from communicating. I can talk and not communicate, if my words are void of any meanings. Empty like a shell. I can talk and you may view it, taking it from a different angle and perspective, thus changing the entire meanings of my words. How can we communicate thus? If every single words I said fall on your deaf ears? Or if the words I never have said would still be formed from the fruitation of your biasness and personal thoughts?
It's so hard to talk to another human being, due to the difference in perceptions.

The power of words; The pen is mightier than the sword.

"Why didn't you ask me?"
"I was afraid to, frankly."
~ Oliver Barret,Jennifer Cavilleri.

"You told my mom we were not ready to have children yet. You might as well have told her that I'm a lesbian!" ~ P.s I love you.