Friday, January 9, 2009

6 questions!

Hello everyone!

Who knew we would be given blog writing as a weekly assignment? Not that i’m complaining. The novelty of doing such assignment is interesting enough.

First and foremost, i would really like to say that writing this learning log is a bit unnerving to me. The questions asked instantly made me think, “Oh,no!”. To answer these questions honestly would mean that i would be telling bits and parts of me that no one would really know of unless of course, if they had known me for quite some time. I’ll try my best though, to give substantial answers because i do tend to talk nonsense, and a long-winded one at that.

Now, let’s get down to it shall we?

I do most of my reading and studying in my room. To be specific, anywhere in the room except at the studying desk. So far, my favourite spot for reading and studying is on the bed or on the floor. Obviously they aren’t the most comfortable place for doing revisions on any subjects or even for completing assignments, but somehow the idea of manning a desk while reading a thick reference book on Physics does not seem appealing to me.

In my case, the best time for reading is in the morning, right after my visit to the slumberland. I think the mind is at its freshest condition right after a good night’s sleep and therefore, can readily absorb anything that is hammered into it. The only problem is 'sometimes' i sleep late, so i wake up in the morning feeling groggy. Reading, then, would be the last thing on my mind.

As for the third question, i can study up to half an hour before i needed a break. Yes, i know half an hour hardly seems long but my brain simply loses focus after thirty minutes of studying! The main reason for this is because i am easily distracted by my surrounding. Once my mind starts to wonder off on its own accord to some other places or events.... well, it’s a sign that i should take a break of about 5 minutes. After that, i’m good to go! So, when having a class,you might catch me automatically glancing at my wristwatch after every 30 minutes because my mind is telling me that it’s going elsewhere. It is also unfortunate that i am bothered the most by distractions in a form of questions asked when i am concentrating. Worse, if the question asked is totally unrelated to what i was concentrating on. For example, i was concentrating on writing an English essay when my friend suddenly asked me for a mathematics equation. In an instant, all train of thoughts evaporated - ideas stopped pouring in and the brain suddenly ceased to function. I was able to neither answer her question nor continue writing the essay....

I usually work on two different assignments on average in one evening. Anything more than that would mean burning the midnight oil and difficulty in waking up the following morning. (evidently, as in this morning’s incident.) As for rewards, i really don’t need much. The sight of a simple “good” and comments scribbled at the corner of my work sheet when they are handed back to me is quite sufficient as it lets me know that my efforts were not wasted. It also gives a boost of confidence that with a little bit more effort and hard work, i am capable of getting better at it and thus, successfully achieve my long term goals and my ambition.

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