Sunday, January 25, 2009

the curious case of benjamin button

a blind man, named Gateau was a clockmaker
he was commisioned to create a clock
to hang in the New Orleans train station
one day, he received the news of his son's death in World War 1
but he continued to work on his clock
his job was done
the hands of the clock moved backwards
instead of forward
he intentionally designed it so,
in the hopes of bringing back those who died in the war.
That was the introduction to The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
It took me two days to finish it, the story was long.
I started at 12.30 am, stopped at 2.
The next morning, i continued it again.
the movie was.................
there's no other words for it.
to be sure, the movie is a bit draggy.
but i think it was because the director tried to stress on the emotions and expressions of the characters.
and i think, it was a good try there!
No fun if i tell you about the movie here, you have it watch it yourself.
I am going to tell you about the gist of the story though. =)
Mind you, the movie can be a little disturbing to some.
A boy, born under unusual circumstances.
His mother died giving birth to him,and he was born ugly.
His father thought him a monster and abandoned him
on the porch of an old folks home.
This boy named Benjamin was unlike any other.
He was born old instead young.
To say that he was matured beyond his years was an understatement of the century.
"I'm seven, although i look a lot older." said Benjamin.
He meant it literally.
Well,that's all.
i know i don't write brilliant movie reviews, but i'm not gonna give anything away here!
The movie is not even out in the cinemas yet.
But if you're lucky, go find the dvd.
It's worth watching, trust me.
Uhm, when i say worth watching, i didn't mean that you will necessarily love it.
Or like it, even.
But the movie will make you think.
It opens your mind and make you grateful for what you have.
Some people don't have it easy.
Some people are born handicapped, lame,blind or dumb.
Some are born old.
And i know i'm lucky to be growing in a normal condition and environment.
But it astounds me how some can't even sympathise or empathise with those who are unlucky.
I guess some people just can't relate to other people's feelings.
'Nuff said!
Now i got to go do a mountain of homeworks.
They have been abandoned for days now.
Time to get back to them!

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