Thursday, January 22, 2009

uh-oh! one spoiler coming.

Okay, now who doesn't like spoilers, raise up your hand!
What about you Mr. Derrick?
Do you hate it as much as i do?
Does anyone here despise, loath, resent, and dislike it immensely as much as i do?
Because i DO.

I hate any form and any kind of spoilers.

For instance;
The setting- Your bedroom.
Activity-Reading a new book you just bought. It was a best-seller mystery.

Then SUDDENLY, your friend barged into your room when the plots were getting reaaaally good. Adrenaline was rushing, heart almost jumped out of your chest,sweaty palms. You were fidgetting so frequently, you resembled a twitchy bird.
Your friend said, "Hey, isn't that ------! Why, i've read the book! In the end, the bla-bla bla died and then whatshisname the main character committed suicide, oh, and the murderer got away."


Uh, thanks for giving a complete book review including the ending part!
Very kind of you.
Next time, i'm going to tie you up and chop you into 88 pieces with a chainsaw, make a barbeque out of you, put some mustard in, and then feed you to the piranhas.

Serious matter here, no kidding.
You do not mess up with me with spoilers.

I do not like spoilers.
Spoilers are gigantic NO-NO for me ya.

I mean, what happens next is what keeps you going! The anticipation!!
Do NOT take the fun out of it by throwing the spoilers to my face, you sadistic cow!

I mean,for instance
where's the fun in living your life if you know what's going to happen at the end of your life, right?
There's a good reason why the ending is written, indeed, at the ending.
Or else it wouldn't be called an ending.
It'd be called the introduction,
the body,
Listen, put what you've learnt in english class into practice.
The head must come first. Next, the body. Finally, a nice pair of legs. Right??

Telling spoilers to your friends are not going to make you anymore superior than they are.
On the contrary, you'd look like a fool,who cannot think before you speak.

So, i think that's about it.
I just wanna stress out the importance of not busting your friend's anticipation and excitement.
After all, no one likes a party pooper.


  1.,no. when i said girls, i didn't meant that you're not memorable.hahaha

    jgn risau mah..u have the face that can't be forgotten by everyone..XD

    have a great holiday.

  2. ouch

    (just so u know, thats my favourite word this month, it'll be gotcha!
    i so cool~)

  3. to nana and sue:
    you guys have a happy holi too!!!! hahah~

    okay, nana! now you're talking! but it seems now that YOU'll be target of your own car's bumper! ahah~ *wink*
